"Just Works Solution" tested in Africa(tm). GhostBSD O/S

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"Just Works Solution" tested in Africa(tm). GhostBSD O/S

Post by wb7odyfred »

Nice to see you Jaco. open A forum post, "just works solution" tested in Africa (tm) Trademark of Jaco Bergh. good will from Africa.
https://ghostbsd.org/download Download "Latest Build" version .iso file and write that to a USB Flash Drive Stick

USB writer programs Balena Etcher works on Mac, Linux, & Windows
https://etcher.balena.io/ Balena Etcher 70+ Megabyte size, very easy User Interface with protection from over writing hard disk
https://rufus.ie Rufus USB writer 1.5 Megabyte size, small size, versatile, Windows only program

or use the Data Destroyer(https://unix.stackexchange.com/question ... -stand-for) program, available for Linux, GhostBSD, MacOS https://unix.stackexchange.com/question ... eters?rq=1
dd if=ghostbsd-23.07.20.iso of=/dev/da9 bs=1m conv=sync status=progress

Jaco and others comment about why you feel GhostBSD is a "Just Works Solution", below. :D
Why do you use GhostBSD over Windows, Linux, or Apple MacOS? What problem does it solve?

Boot the Live Media from the USB Flash drive and test in your 4GB dram memory x86_64 CPU computer. After booting GhostBSD is running in your RAM memory. You may safely remove the USB Flash drive stick from the computer. You can test features of GhostBSD on your computer. You can add an external USB SSD or another USB Flash drive stick (64GB or larger) and install GhostBSD into that external medium using the GBI app located on the desktop.

https://bsd-hardware.info https://linux-hardware.org Place where you can see if your devices have BSD (or Linux) device drivers available. From the live media you can temporarily install the hw-probe application and run it after verifying you have an internet connection.

Code: Select all

ping -c 3
ping -c 3 ghostbsd.org
pkg install hw-probe
hw-probe -all -upload
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