Savely remove external USB Drive

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Savely remove external USB Drive

Post by Vermilion »

Usually it should be safe to remove it after unmounting it. But if you want to spin down (power off) the drive like it happens under macOS or Windows you have to do following AFTER unmounting it (or exporting the zpool)

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# usbconfig list
There he shows you some entries, my usb drive is usually the last one (for example my SanDisk USB Stick):

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ugen1.3: <SanDisk Ultra> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (224mA)
now simply this command does the job:

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# sudo usbconfig ugen1.3 power_off
That's it. It is nice to see my USB HDD going down and control light is blinking,
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