Installing Brave and Vivaldi Browsers for Beginners

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Installing Brave and Vivaldi Browsers for Beginners

Post by v9n7p »

I followed this YouTube video but the guy went a little fast and assumed I'd be able to fill in where he skipped ahead. I use Leafpad as my text editor; if you use something else, you'll need to substitute your text editor for every instance of leafpad.

Open a terminal. Type in

Code: Select all

sudo leafpad /etc/rc.conf
It will ask for your password, and after you provide it, it will open the rc.conf text file. When it does, look for the line of text that says
Change the NO to YES so that the line of text says
(Mine already said "YES" so I didn't need to change it.) Click Save to save your changes and close the text file.

Go to this page:

On that page near the top is a green button that says "Code."
Click on it, and a drop-down menu will give the option to Download ZIP. Double click that option. Download the zip file to your Downloads folder.

Once the file is downloaded, go into your Downloads folder and click the file that says "". Select all the folders in the right-hand window. Click the icon with the orange arrow at the top of the little window. A small long window will appear. Where it says "Extract to:", change the /tmp option to Desktop by clicking the folder icon and selecting your Desktop folder. Then click the Extract button at the bottom of the little window. Now you should have a folder on your Desktop called linux-browser-installer-main. (The video skipped this step, and I had never extracted zipped files in GhostBSD before!)

Once the files are extracted, type this into the terminal:

Code: Select all

cd Desktop/linux-browser-installer-main/
Once that's done, type this:

Code: Select all

sudo ./linux-browser-installer
It will ask for your password. Then it will show you some Usage options:
./linux-browser-installer install <brave|chrome|edge|vivaldi|opera>
./linux-browser-installer deinstall <brave|chrome|edge|vivaldi|opera>
./linux-browser-installer chroot <create|upgrade|delete>
./linux-browser-installer symlink <icons|themes>
./linux-browser-installer clean
Now you can install Brave! Type this:

Code: Select all

sudo ./linux-browser-installer install brave
The installation will take awhile. When that's done, you can type this to install Vivaldi:

Code: Select all

sudo ./linux-browser-installer install vivaldi
After installation, I found both Brave and Vivaldi in my applications menu under Internet. I right clicked each one to add to my panel.

The following explains how I moved the browsers to my panel. Note that I'm using the XFCE desktop. The instructions for MATE are probably different.

To add little icon images of them on my panel, I went online and looked for their icon images, downloaded them, and moved them to my Desktop. The icons needed to be moved to this folder: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/

It's a sudo folder, so you can't just copy and paste the images into the folder. I moved the images via my terminal using this command:

Code: Select all

sudo mv /home/MYCOMPUTERNAME/Desktop/ICON.PNG /usr/local/share/pixmaps/
You'll need to substitute MYCOMPUTERNAME for your computer's name, and ICON.PNG for the file name of the image. I did this command twice, once for each image.

Then I right-clicked on the launcher for Brave on my panel, clicked Properties, then selected the tool icon, clicked 'icon" and chose the Brave icon from the selection of images.
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Re: Installing Brave and Vivaldi Browsers for Beginners

Post by willbproggin »

Nice, thank you! :D
An imperfect being created by a perfect God! :D
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Re: Installing Brave and Vivaldi Browsers for Beginners

Post by Robin »

As I watched this install, I saw the dreaded SYSTEMD scroll by unpacking. I guess it's some kind of dependency in Brave, but wow...

Will Brave update regularly installed this way?

I only installed it because I hate Firefox and ungoogled-chromium won't finish playing youtube videos.

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