Installing NeoVim plugins via Lazy with "ifeq" in Makefiles

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Installing NeoVim plugins via Lazy with "ifeq" in Makefiles

Post by ianmjones »

I'm trying to set up NeoVim on GhostBSD for the first time, having used my NeoVim config (based on kickstart.vim) on various Linux distributions (mostly) without issue for a while.

I'm seeing a few issues when Lazy is trying to install and configure various plugins that require building via a Makefile.

For example, the following error is thrown in Lazy:

Code: Select all

make: "/home/ian/.local/share/nvim/lazy/LuaSnip/Makefile" line 37: Invalid line type
When I look at the line in the Makefile, it is:

Code: Select all

ifeq ($(LUASNIP_DETECTED_OS),Darwin)
I'm guessing

Code: Select all

is GNU Make syntax.

I see a few other things failing either in the same way, or without showing a reason, e.g. "json-lsp: failed to install".

Is anyone successfully using NeoVim with plugins managed by Lazy (and LSPs via Mason)?

Is there something I should add to my init.lua to make it use gmake for maximum compatibility with plugins that expect its syntax?
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Re: Installing NeoVim plugins via Lazy with "ifeq" in Makefiles

Post by ericbsd »

On GhostBSD, you have to use gmake to use the GNU Make.
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