Just got here.

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Joined: Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:46 am

Just got here.

Post by wove »

I have an old Lenovo X220 tablet. I installed FreeBSD on it mainly following some tutorials by Robonoogie on YouTube. As with most of my first tries at something it did not turn out as well as I hoped. I decided for the second try I would use GhostBSD. I enjoyed the install and was very happy to see that everything on the Tablet was supported, including the pen and touch. Nice job really, it seems even most Linux installs fail to pickup something.

I am not a big fan of Mate, so I installed KDE, which I find an easier to use DE on a small laptop. I still should sort out switching over to SDDM, but the x220 is running quite well as it is setup on Ghost BSD. I am not totally unfamiliar with BSD. I used Mac OS for many years and always installed HomeBrew to enable the full features of the BSD subsystem. I also used TrueOS? from XiSystems right up till they moved over to Lumina DE.

This is a very nice OS, I am enjoying working with it very much, listening to my tunes, reading the news and taking notes. Thank you for this OS, you do good work.
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