Simple HDD File Explorer from BootCD for GhostBSD format.

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Simple HDD File Explorer from BootCD for GhostBSD format.

Post by Senenmut »

i am running GhostBSD on a laptop.
However the system does not boot anymore. No problem. I change to a newer laptop. Have ordered one.
Wanna copy my home-folder on that old laptop with a simple bootCD tool that can access to the HDD in the laptop.
Normal backup tools on boot cds such like HIREN bootcd are prepared for other file systems. not GPT BSD.
They display that the drive is not formatted and have 0 Bytes.
Any suggestins for such kind of tool ? I would appreciate it.

In other words :
your bsd system does not boot. HDD still works.
you don't care about why it does not boot. you want to change your computer anyway.
the only thing you want to do is to copy your home folder to a pen stick to have your data.

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