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Queries about GhostBSD

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:22 am
by mzs_47

I read the reviews of GhostBSD, and I am impressed at the small memory footprint and stability. I want to try it!

I tired using PC-BSD 10, but it was heavy and slow, no option to use ufs.
But I have few questions about GhostBSD. I tried posting them on the IRC, but there were no replies.

Are the proprietary broadcom and nvidia drivers included on the installation Disc?
How can I download more FreeBSD binary packages/applications for offline use? ( I use Debian with its software DVDs)
Where are the torrents for ver3.5?
When will the next version based on FreeBSD 10 appear?


Re: Queries about GhostBSD

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:43 am
by ericbsd
The proprietary broadcom drivers are include but not the nividia proprietary.
I have no idea of binary packages/applications for offline, I know FreeBSD sale it but I do not if you can download it.
some of the torrent are available on with simple goggle search?
For the 4.0 I am working on the graphical Network Manager, I will release a alpha soon.

Re: Queries about GhostBSD

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:49 am
by mzs_47
Thanks eric!

Why can't you distribute Nvidia/Ati drivers? Is it because of legal issues ?

I was checking for the torrents here-

But they are on linux tracker. IMO, your homepage should have the links, how can I trust these unofficial torrents? Of course I can check the digests/check sums, but having the links on the download page will help the users.

I will have to manually download the packages or automate it using a script.
A script which will download a package with all its dependencies into a directory which I can take to another machine and just issue "pkg_add install * "

Please stick to ufs. Just don't go exclusive to zfs (like PC-BSD) or provide zfs as an extra option. It hurts the users who have old machines with less memory. :(

One good thing about gBSD is (as seen in the review), it is lighter than Debian on GNOME 2 (MATE). So keep up the good work.

And please keep supporting the torrents, as the place where I live, the broadband speed is not stable and fast. And there are frequent power cuts. A torrent helps us with fast downloads, is resilient to interruptions, I can pause 'n resume them, and reduces your use of bandwidth when the community seeds. :)


Re: Queries about GhostBSD

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:26 am
by nawaz
Wow! This is a very big news! :D