Hi. I am just joining the GhostBSD user base. If I can get my install.
I also compared TrueOS. (Aren't they in the process of becoming Trident?)
In some ways I think it's a good idea because as stated it can help get newer improvements. However
everyone isn't going to run out after all & buy a new EFI or UEFI machine if what they have serves them
Maybe something that can set GhostBSD apart is the continued ability to have BiOS install & MBR support
which TrueOS dropped. I like what appears to be the option in GhostBSD for different boot management.
Later just add refind which I use on my Intel NUCs. (For EFI)
As I read somewhere dual booting isn't supported yet with GhostBSD on EFI. So I need to look at TrueOS to install
on my mini-pcs.
Though I come from a Linux background as a user. I've seen many small group projects go under or struggling to
keep up with projects that have more developers.
Whether it becomes Trident (there's some site on it I came across) or stays TrueOS it seems to me there's no
loss as they still come from FreeBSD base. (Why reinvent the wheel if it's already been done? )
As I suggested if there will be something like keeping support for non-efi hardware and other GhostBSD character
it will still be it's own project and as someone mentioned some contributors are already working here and there.
I do hope my suggestion isn't impossible and hope no offense as someone just coming to the BSD community.