Compiling GhostBSD Error

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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by kraileth »

NevilleGoddard wrote:No worries. On the contrary thank you for all your work.

1. Anything else I can do to help?
I'll write you a PM on the weekend regarding this. Thanks for your commitment to GhostBSD! :)
2. Oh, Can I upgrade from PREALPHA4 to GhostBSD11 through the Update Station when GhostBSD is ready?
Probably not. GhostBSD 11.0 will be based on FreeBSD 11.0 just like the Alphas, Betas and RCs. What makes these versions different is the installer (which you won't need after the installation) and the packages. Any packages changed by GhostBSD are our own - and since we are currently using the FreeBSD package repository, there won't be any difference, either.

It was planned to have our own package repo in place for 11.0 but this was mostly ASX's work. However he is on hiatus right now. I intend to pick ASX's work up (he offered to answer any questions that I might have) but I don't know if I find enough time before the 11.0 release as I'm quite busy, too. But I'll try my best as I'd really like to have that for 11.0.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by ericbsd »

kraileth don't worry about the repository is done I did huge modification on the update manger that any change listed on a list I have made on the serve will trigger on update, from git ports until the repos is ready.

NevilleGoddard if you could learn how to use git if not already have an GitHub account if not already, clone gbi and you could redo all the slide image of the installer with the default wallpaper. After that send a pull request of the change.

Also with the change I have made the next build you will do is what the alpha one would be unless you find a problem.

Right now my main focus is the update manager.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by kraileth »

ericbsd wrote:kraileth don't worry about the repository is done I did huge modification on the update manger that any change listed on a list I have made on the serve will trigger on update, from git ports until the repos is ready.
That's very good to hear! Looking forward to have this.

BTW. according to the original 11.0 roadmap you were working on encrypted ZFS installation. Do you have any estimation if any kind of GELI support will be in the installer for 11.0? That is the only feature that I'm missing to be able to run GhostBSD on all of my machines at work - and it would also be great to have it for my laptop when I travel or go to a conference or anything. So far I'm doing well with FreeBSD and GELI but I'd prefer to run GhostBSD on those, too. That would mean more hardware to test things on and different use cases also mean different applications (and a wider coverage might help in finding problems more easily).
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by ericbsd »

GELI was cancelled for 11.0 there was to much problem going on in pc-sysinstall and did not have time to look what was the problem, and also since geli was not working for UEFI ASX did not find wise to have it in 11.0. we have debate on this until I just pled for his point.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by kraileth »

ericbsd wrote:GELI was cancelled for 11.0 there was to much problem going on in pc-sysinstall and did not have time to look what was the problem, and also since geli was not working for UEFI ASX did not find wise to have it in 11.0. we have debate on this until I just pled for his point.
That's a pitty! Did I get this right: The problem is mainly with UEFI and in BIOS mode it (somewhat) worked?
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by ericbsd »

It should work.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by NevilleGoddard »

I have just opened a GitHub account. Will learn how to use GitHub. I would be very happy to do all the slide images of the installer. Will ask for assistance when I'm stuck. To kraileth, thank you for your message and I'm very happy to contribute to GhostBSD. I am preparing an install iso right now for my main computer.
Last edited by NevilleGoddard on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by kraileth »

NevilleGoddard wrote:I have just opened a GitHub account. Will lean how to use GitHub. I would be very happy to do all the slide images of the installer. Will ask for assistance when I'm stuck. To kraileth, thank you for your message and I'm very happy to contribute to GhostBSD. I am preparing an install iso right now for my main computer.
That's another aspect of GhostBSD: It's not only an exceptional OS, it's also a great opportunity to learn and grow. ;) Eric has stated multiple times that he started developing it without knowing how to do it and taught himself everything along the way. Almost the same thing here: I've just been a regular FreeBSD user for not too long before I joined the team and now GhostBSD keeps me motivated to learn more and more about FreeBSD so that I can help others here and commit to the project. But as I said I'll write you a PM tomorrow or so.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by ericbsd »

Oh and I am still learning a lot more then people will think.
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Re: Compiling GhostBSD Error

Post by kraileth »

I'm currently having trouble to roll a new GhostBSD ISO; when I try to build mate-amd64 (and I would assume it's the same thing for other flavors), this is what I get:

Code: Select all

Bootstrapping pkg from pkg+, please wait...
Installing pkg-1.9.4_1...
Extracting pkg-1.9.4_1: 100%
Installing package xorg-minimal
Installing package xorg-drivers
Installing package xorg-fonts
Installing package nvidia-driver
nvidia-driver not found in repos
*** Error code 1
However there's a package for it (nvidia-driver-367.44_3.txz) in the quarterly repo. Any idea what is happening here?
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